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Small Animal Cages

Mobile Cleanrooms:​

  • Mobile and operationally ready


Mobile Cleanrooms Features:

  • 40m2/440-880 ft2, cleanroom available space

  • BSL 1-3 

  • ISO 7&8

  • 80 square ft. /80m2 of clean room manufacturing space (extended width)

  • Clean room doors with windows, door closers, interlocks, adjustable sweeps

  • Entry and Exit personnel airlocks

  • Dry Chemical fire suppression system



Our self-contained, ready-to-use design provides functional clean room space wherever and whenever you need it. Whether you want to expand manufacturing, R&D or processing capacity at an existing facility, a remote location, or around the globe, our MCRs can be transported and fully operational more rapidly than other clean room options.

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Britz & Company’s animal housing solutions can accommodate a wide variety of animals and their team of experts can design an effective solution to any animal housing need.

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